Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rethinking Holiday Gifts

Now that we know more about JoNo's SPD, we're trying to plan his gifts to be both fun and helpful as a therapy tool this year. We've always tried to throw in some sort of a tactile toy anyway, but this year we're trying to include some movement toys that will help his vestibular system and motor planning. His birthday is this Saturday, and Christmas right around the corner, so we're loading up :) For tactile, we got him a feel-and-find game called What's In Ned's Head and some new tubs of playdoh for his stocking. For vestibular we picked out a Razor Jr. scooter that has three wheels instead of two (and a Hot Wheels helmet, of course). And Grandma is getting him a sit-and-spin to use indoors. And Grandpa from Virginia is combining his birthday and Christmas gift to get him a Smart Cycle:

Of course, it's tough living in a condo -- how I wish we had a yard with a tree we could hang a swing from and build a treehouse in, a yard to put a trampoline in, and some space for him to run. *sigh* At least we don't have any neighbors downstairs -- that lets us do an indoor obstacle course without disturbing anyone below us. And we try to do lots of visits to the park and the play area at the mall (on rainy days), which are both pretty conveniently located.

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